Tuesday, October 25, 2011

All in a Day's Work

We were busy busy busy yesterday!  But it felt soooo good to get some things done, and some other projects underway.  The sister and her hubby were here for two days, helping us with some landscaping projects.  Our house, as I have mentioned before is a constant work in progress.  In the 13 years we have lived here, we have never been at a point where it is "done."  Or even resembles anything like "done."

We were blessed with a couple of beautiful days, which made it a pleasure to be outside.  The kids had so much fun with the dogs (yes, I still have dog fever) and having a friend over that they were maintenance free, and so the work was pretty enjoyable.  I might just start doing more of this kind of thing.  I might.  We had BIL3 (sister's hubby) take down several trees, including a GINORMOUS dead one, so we have a ton of wood to clean up, chop and split.  We split and moved a bunch of peonies.  We made a "berm."  I learned what a "berm" is.  A small hill to make things pretty.  Sister planted the rest of our shrubs around the house.  We tilled up all the ground around the house to do planting.  We made a walkway from the front steps of our porch to the driveway.  And my mom came over to hang out for a bit.  It was so great!

So now we just have to plant a couple lilac bushes, some of this pretty tasseled grass, a bunch of hostas, move a ton of limestone pavers, put in the mulch, go buy some more plants, plant them, chop wood, burn a bunch of brush and wood, mow, and get rid of the leaves.  All in a day's work!

And now the kids go back to school today, and I have just under 3 weeks until J's birthday party.  I'm going to start working on his invitations this week, and hopefully have them out in a few days.  He's having a "magic-card trick" party.  Pretty fun--lots of red, black and silver.  I'm also going to start making my Christmas list.  Woo hoo!  Halloween is on Monday.  I hate it when it's in the beginning of the week.  I don't think we have any plans for next weekend, but the kids will definitely trick-or-treat on Monday.  It's hard when we are a family of country mice--we actually have to immigrate to the suburbs to take the kids trick-or-treating.  We usually hit SIL3's neighborhood, since it's safe and her kids are super fun to make the rounds with.  Last year we hit gramma's apartment building and hubby's grandma's old neighborhood, just for the heck of it.  It was nice, really, but we don't know what the plan is yet this year.  I already promised the kids they could go to bed a little bit later than normal school nights that night.  Wouldn't it be nice if they started school a couple hours later on the day after Halloween?

I'm volunteering at the school on Halloween day, another opportunity to wear my cape and witch hat.  I like that day.  It's so much fun to see all the kids' costume ideas, and get to know them all.  I've been able to watch them all grow up for five years now!  It's like they're extended family.  One of A and J's friends who rides the bus with them is this tiny little thing named Carol.  She's so cute and funny.  She has long, straight blond hair, and she's super petite.  I asked her a while back what she was going to be for Halloween since I know her mom makes all her costumes and they're so creative and well done, and she said "Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter!"  I'm so excited to see that.  I am crazy about Harry Potter.  CRAZY.  So Halloween should be fun, and I am in the mood to watch scary movies still, I just haven't had the opportunity yet.  This week.  I promise myself.

I think I'm writing about Halloween to make sure I cover my butt here.  I do like Halloween.  Really.  But by this time every year, I'm chomping at the bit to start the Christmas season.  November 1st, people.  That's coming quickly.  That is the day I start listening to Christmas music.  And I think I am going to start as much decorating as I can get away with before J's party.  Maybe I'll get some lights in the trees outside.  Well, hubby probably won't let me turn them on until Thanksgiving, so we'll see.  This is going to be difficult.  I think I'll at least do some Christmas shopping and drink some Christmas coffee this week.

So lots to do.  It's all good, though.  It's so good for me to be busy, it's so satisfying to get some things done.  Maybe I'll be a gardener over the summer and help make our place as pretty as I know it can be.  I'd like to think I will.  I'd also like to think I'll stick to an exercise routine . . .

1 comment:

  1. Hub said to me yesterday "it's almost Christmas movie time." Although he says hes a 'not until Thanksgiving' person, I think deep down he's almost as excited as you are.
