It was my birthday yesterday. Normally I love my birthday. I was smart enough to be born on a perfect day of the year, May 16, 1971. And I think that I have had beautiful weather on my birthday every year. Seriously! I almost count on it. And yesterday did not disappoint.
But it was very quiet and noneventful. Not much exciting about turning 41. My siblings and I flew out to Vegas last year after my birthday to celebrate my 40th. I can't do that every year, and so this one didn't really compare to last year, but that's not fair. It was on a Wednesday. Ugh. The only more boring day would have been Tuesday. I don't know why, but Tuesday seems less exciting than Wednesday, so I guess I should be happy with the Wednesday. The hubby took me to see Dark Shadows at lunch time, so that was our big celebration. It was super fun--funnier than I even thought! I have had an insane crush on Johnny Depp ever since 21 Jump Street, so I'd see anything he's in, but I thought this one looked especially fun, and it did not disappoint. So we did that, then we came home.
Later on A had baseball practice, and the hubby took him on the motorcycle, so J and I stayed home to relax. Another birthday present for me! I spent the evening on my porch, had a snack out there, drank an adult blueberry lemonade, and watched episodes of Parenthood on my iPad. In my jammies. It was AWESOME! So the day ended really well, in my opinion. No limos in Vegas, but still--a good one.
So here I am, no longer 40. I am IN MY 40's. Middle aged. I could get depressed about it, but middle aged is pretty good. I plan on living longer than 82 years, anyway. And thinking back on my 41 years, it's been pretty eventful. 41 years is a pretty long time. I look back to my earliest memories, and they seem like a REALLY long time ago. And judging by my outfits, they were a long time ago. So if I live that long again starting now, that's a pretty long life. I'm happy with middle aged. In fact, I think I'd like to embrace old age now, so I don't have to ponder it later.
I already have the wrinkles. Especially my hands. My hands have looked old ever since I can remember. It's genetics. It's as if the skin on my hands has always been too big, and now I'm adding some of those awesome age spots to the saggy skin on my hands. Sweet. So instead of going all Diane Keaton and wearing gloves all the time, I'd like to start showing them off. I'm going to wear super giant rings on my hands, and really large, colorful bracelets that clink around whenever I move my hands. That'll show 'em.
My feet are aging too. My heels get dry and cracked unless I constantly work on them with a tool that resembles a woodworker's rasp. So I think I'm going to start wearing orthopedic sandals and painting my toenails mauve. Well, maybe I can't go that far. I like my toenails bright blue or purple. So I'll keep them like that, and proudly show off my dry heels. Maybe I'll even be cheeky and start wearing some sparkly toe rings.
I can't wear shorts anymore, I don't feel comfortable in them. I have whitest of white legs that are speckled with pink dots. And blue veins. However, if I continue to get these age spots, before long they will appear tan. So maybe I'll be able to wear shorts again soon. Woohoo!
I have noticed lately that my eyelids like to droop down and rest on my eyelashes, especially when I first wake up in the morning. That's helpful--soon I will no longer need to wear sunglasses or a ball cap on the sunny days. My eyelids will act like a mini-awning, shading my sensitive eyes from the sunshine. What convenience.
So I'm 41. And when I get old, I shall wear purple. Good thing purple is one of my favorite colors, and I already have plenty of it in my closet. Now I need to find my local chapter of red hat ladies and sign up.
I look forward to aging, actually. I want to be one of those spicy old ladies that swears and drinks. I want to wear too much jewelry and crazy colors. I want to carry a really crazy purse filled with all sorts of strange things like candy and earplugs and socks. I want to drive a really big, heavy, boat-like car that makes me look small and petite.
Being old is going to be fun.
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